Extreme Rainfall Prediction

Latitude vs. Temperature

The purpose of this project was to analyze extreme rainfall conditions in India. The variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon affects the agricultural production, industry, hydroelectric power, and causes severe strain on the national economy.
Occurrence of extreme rainfall is an important problem in the field of meteorology as it has a enormous impact on the life of people. Every year people across the globe suffer from severe consequences of heavy rainfall like flood, spread of diseases, wastage of agricultural produce, loss of life and belongings etc. The government of India spends large amount of money to provide relief in the affected

After assembling the dataset, we plotted various aspects of the rainfall vs. other weather variables. Factors we looked at included: temperature, pressure, horizontal wind speed, U-wind, V-wind, Omega and humidity. This site provides the souce data and visualizations created as part of the analysis, as well as explanations and descriptions of trends and correlations witnessed.


Subdivisions in India